Just like the word "this", the word "that" is used to indicate or talk about something. But, the word "that" is used to indicate/talk about something or someone far away from in distance.
Also, the word "that" is translated to "ذاك" (Thak), in Arabic, for masculine, and "تلك" (Tilk), for feminine.
For example:
- "ذاك الولد متفوق" (Thak al-walad motafawwiq) (meaning "this boy is outstanding). As shown, the word "Thak" is used to express the word "that".
As for the doubles and plural form of the word "Thak", it is just like the doubles and plural form of the word "هذا" ("Hathaa", or "this"). So, the doubles form of the word "Thak" is "هذان" (Hathan), or "هاتان" (Hatan), for the feminine.
For example:
- "هاتان البنتان قصيرتان" (Hatan al-bintan qasiratan) (meaning "those two girls are short"). As you can see, the word "هاتان" (Hatan) is used to express two females that are away in distance.
As for the plural form of the word "Thak", it is "هؤلاء" (Ha'oola'), for both masculine and feminine.
For example:
- "هؤلاء الطلاب متعبون" (Ha'oola' al-tollab mot'aboon) (meaning "these students are tired"). As shown, the word "هؤلاء" (Ha'oola') is used to express a number of people (more than 2).