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- The word "the" in English is represented as two letters in Arabic. These two letters are "ال" (Al).
- Just like in the English language, using "ال" allows you to talk about a specific object or person. That way, you can clarify to the person you are talking to that you are talking about one and only one particular object or person.
- In English, "the" is a word used separately from the word it is used to identify, unlike the letters "ال", which are part of the word that they are used for. The letters come at the beginning of the word.
- For example:

The Car
The House

The Field

The Child

سيارة (Sayyara)
السيارة (Al-sayyara)
ملعب (Mal'ab)
الملعب (Al-mal'ab)
بيت (Bait)
البيت (Al-bait)
طفل (Tifl)
الطفل (Al-tifl)
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