In any language, when trying to communicate with others around you, it is always very necessary to be able to express or point out where objects or people are, by calling them "this" (near you) or "that" (away from you) (will be explained in next lesson).
In the Arabic language, the word "this" is translated to "هذا" (Hathaa), for masculine, and "هذه" (Hathihi), for feminine. This word is used to indicate or talk about something/someone close to you, in distance.
For example:
- "هذا الكلب صغير" (Hatha al-kalb sagheer) (meaning "this dog is small"). As shown, the word "Hathaa" is used to express an object/person close to you in distance.
As for the doubles, the double form of the word "Hathaa" is "هذان" (Hathan), for the masculine. As for the feminine, it is "هاتان" (Hatan).
For example:
- "هذان الطالبان متفوقان " (Hathan al-taliban motafawwiqan) (meaning "these two students are outstanding). As shown, the word "Hathan" is used to express the double form of the word "Hathaa".
As for the plural form, it is " " (Ha'oola'), for both male and/or female.
For example:
- "هؤلاء الأولاد مشاغبون" (Ha'oola' al-awlad moshagheboon) (meaning "these boys are trouble-makers). As shown, using the word "Ha'oola'" is used to express the plural form of the word "Hathaa".